The Next Necessary Undertaking

Spring is coming, and there is a joke in New York State that says, "Our seasons are before-winter, winter, after-winter and CONSTRUCTION." So we live accordingly with these seasons. A new building has already been planned for a new monastery store. It will also be very important for us to set up workshops for candles, incense and our other obediences.  All of these projects will require digging a new well and the necessary connecting pipes, as well as a new septic system.

Last summer our builders prepared a construction site to the south of the house where we now live, as you can see in the photos.

Building Progress 2023

We are so sorry. It has been too long since we have shared with you news of what has been happening with our monastery over this past year. Please forgive us; but now finally let us relay to you the progress we have made in 2023.

Much has been accomplished, but the largest and most important work has been the completion of an extension to the main house, a completion which has greatly improved our ability to function as monastics. We now have a working kitchen, additional rooms which will allow our monastery to expand, and a pantry. A much needed mud room is in the process of being completed, a mud room which will also be large enough to serve as a utility room.

Completion of Phase 1

Dear friends,

The time has come to tell about what we have managed to accomplish in the six months after the blessing of our land.

A plateau has been erected to the south of the main house, where the monastery store and a small guesthouse will be built. 

Аll mass excavation for Phase 1 has been completed including a privacy berm along the road and drainage for the site.

A raised bed vegetable garden has begun and preparations are underway for planting an orchard.

Visit of our new First Hierarch

On the 2nd of November we were happy to receive a visit from our new First Hierarch Vladyka Nicholas.

After an informal tea, we discussed new developments at the building site of the monastery.  Vladyka listened with great interest and gave his support in continuing our efforts, reminding us that prayer always comes first.

His Eminence then presented us with a beautiful icon of the Venerable Elder Ambrose of Optina, which belonged to his predecessor, Metropolitan Hilarion of blessed memory. 

At the end of his visit Vladyka greeted our alpacas, who were curious to meet the new Metropolitan.

Blessing of the site before Phase 1 begins

On Sunday May 29, 2022 after Liturgy, Father Dimitri served a Blessing of the grounds of the Iveron Mother of God Monastery.   Site work for Phase 1 of construction began the following day with a fully blessed Bulldozer.

Hawaiian Iveron Icon visits May 29, 2022

We are, as always, so honoured to have Deacon Nectarios Yangson, with the myrrh-streaming Hawaiian-Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, visit the Iveron Monastery.  Fr. Nectarios was nearby in PA and made a quick round trip to bless us with the icon.  We read the akathist to the Iveron Mother of God and were then anointed with Holy Myrrh.

Hawaiian Iveron Icon visits September 9, 2021

We were so honoured to have Deacon Nectarios Yangson, with the myrrh-streaming Hawaiian-Iveron Icon of the Mother of God, visit the Iveron Monastery.

Liturgy was celebrated by Fr. Dmitry Don in the Iveron house chapel. After the liturgy a molieben with an Akathist was served. All then were anointed with the myrrh from the holy icon , which streamed in abundence.

Fr.Nectarios then proceded to bless the property of our new monastery with the holy icon.

We are so grateful to Fr.Nectarios to have visited us, especially during these times. The visit of the Holy Mother of God was a great source of comfort and encouragement for us.

Iveron Mother of God Monastery

Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

Eastern American Diocese

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