Feasts of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God
By the grace of God and through help from the Mother of God, we are agian able to make updates and share monastery events with you. Please forgive our silence during this period of building the living quarters of our new monastery.
The Montreal Iveron Icon
Our in home church is dedicated to the Iveron icon of the Mother of God. The main feast of the appearance of this icon near the shore of Mount Athos is the third day after Pascha, Bright Tuesday, a movable feast. Read more about this icon and remarkable events involving it which include the Mother of God carrying this image of Herself across the sea and Her miraculous ways of directly communicating Her wishes to us by clicking on this link: https://iveronmonastery.org/iveronicon
November 24th marks the streaming of the Montreal Iveron Icxon and the second feast of our monastery! On the night of November 24, 1982, after José Muñoz, now referred to as Brother José, spent three weeks standing in front of the icon and reading the Akathist to the Mother of God, it began to stream myrrh! The Mother of God was reaching out to us in our time of need literally traveling around the world healing people of physical, mental, and spiritual infirmities while igniting the flame for Christ in others.
In our tiny home church, a Vigil was served by Father Dimitri Don followed by Divine Liturgy the next morning. A few members of our community joined filling the church to overflowing causing the kitchen to become part of the church. A full meal reception followed by a small word from our priest highlighting the necessity of prayer and its growing importance in these challenging times.