As a new monastery, with an established group of nuns, we need to build for our needs quickly. We need cells, workspaces, barn, and most importantly, a Church that will be dedicated to St. Joseph the Hesychast. We are asking for your help and support in this large endeavor. Our goal is to continue building debt-free and pay off the existing property mortgage quickly.
We have 2 building funds you can choose to allocate your donation to, or if not specified, to help support our living expenses. Click on the buttons to learn more about each project.
We ask for your prayers and your continued support. All donations are federally tax-deductible and can be made through a variety of methods such as Tithely (no sign up required and linked below), check, or ACH bank transaction.
We no longer are doing business with PayPal. Tithe.ly offers lower fees for us, and includes the option to have you "cover the fees" in your donation to help us out. It is also a platform built only for church donations, so it is designed for exclusively for giving, which gives you more options for everything including payment types and recurring donation options that PayPal doesn't offer. It is also safe and secure!
If you have a large donation you wish to give, please mail a check written out to the "Iveron Mother of God Monastery" and write in the memo line where you would like your finds allocated to or you can contact us for more options.
Thank you and may God bless your generosity!
Please make checks payable to:
Iveron Mother of God Monastery
114 Williams Rd N
Mohawk, NY 13407
You can also support us by purchasing our handmade products! We are working on rebranding and moving our store to this website and our property but in the meantime, you can still purchase through the Saint Elizabeth Skete store. https://saintelizabethskete.org/store
This fund is for our buildings such as workshops, cells, barn, equipment, and other services we need to build for our living and working needs.
Fund for building the St. Joseph the Hesychast Church. A goal for fundraising and other information will be updated on our page once we raise enough to secure the servces of our architect Andrew Gould.
General donations fund for living expenses and other miscellaneous things we need.